Apply below with the same email address you wish to receive communication from.
If approved, you will be invited to create your account + creator storefront.
Share your Storefront link! You will receive commission on all purchases through your link + access to an exclusive discount code for YOUR followers.
Ensure you are posting high-resolution videos for Tiktok. Good lighting is key.
Get creative! We love seeing videos of you enjoying your Amy Suzanne products solo, with family and friends, at events, and more.
Show off your smile with the Amy Suzanne product(s) you're sharing. Just be sure the Amy Suzanne brand name is legible.
We're all about supporting others and spreading positivity! We encourage you to have fun and post with positivity in mind.
We provide bonus incentives if you post 3+ times per month. The posts must fully comply with the Terms & Conditions in order to count towards your goal.
Creators accepted into the program must authentically promote products every month to their social platforms and drive qualifying sales by adding their link to their bios and sharing the message of our brand.
Feed posts (including carousels) Reels, and Stories will show on your Storefront. Please note that stories will only stay on for the 24-hour period.
If you are accepted into our Brand Ambassador program, you will receive comprehensive brand + content guides that are designed to help YOU create content + sell products.
You can share any content from our website including product images, and can re-post or share from our social channels, but we’d love it if you posted your own original content!
Base commission is currently 20% on full price purchases. Commission may increase during specific promotional periods or on specific product categories. Commission increase opportunities will be communicated in Creator Newsletters.
You will receive an email from our partner at Tremendous, clearly stating that the funds are Amy Suzanne commissions. The email will come from You then need to follow the prompt to collect your funds via bank account or other type. You will receive an email from